To Be Kind Or To Not Be Kind

by - March 11, 2016

I had the best days. I had the worst days. It all happens to everybody no matter where they are.

Often times I was called "too naive", "innocent", "immature" and "too kind". Initially I would defend myself. Especially when a person calls me innocent in a sarcastic tone when I don't understand a provocative or a sexual word.

What is wrong with not knowing anything about porn or not using profanities in daily life? I have the right to choose and use words I am comfortable conversing in. As well as you, you have the same right as me. No difference!

What is wrong in being kind? So what if I give a man on the streets a couple ringgit or if I do extra working shifts when one of my colleagues called in sick? So what?!

So what if I think well of people? So what if I believe everyone is good natured at heart?

Though, the last opinion "So what if I believe everyone is good natured at heart?" can be dangerous for a person in the future. That thought itself lowers your guard around people and makes you trust them way too easily.

#LifeLessons101: Not everybody is good natured at heart

Alhamdulillah, I haven't been in a situation where a person use me in any bad manner.

But if being kind makes you less of an independant and strong person then I have to disagree. Pure kindness and sincerity is very rare nowadays. How many people do something out of their own will or just because they want to and do not ask for anything in return?

NOTE: The proceeding cotent is in no means to jeopardize or discriminate or opress or "membuka aib" (talk bad) about any party. It is a mere situation I witnessed a few days back that inspired a part of this post.

I once overheard a couple (I assumed) arguing in public. The husband angrily scolded his wife for being "too kind" to their staffs. The wife's face was scrunched up, eyes furrowed. The muscles of her arms tensed. The public humiliation was unbearable for her, for anyone in that matter. If she was holding back her tears, she did a very good job at it.

Being kind is not a bad thing. In fact, we need it in today's world. So many people out there are being mistreated. How many poeple out there who don't understand the word "humanity"?

Often, kindness is being misunderstood as easily taken advantage of, which is totally different. You can be stern and strict AND AT THE SAME TIME be kind to others. You can still be headstrong and independant and be kind AT THE SAME TIME.

Being kind is a blessing. Being kind touches a person's soul. Bering kind makes you more friendly and easily approached to be acquainted. Being kind does nothing to shame your dignity. Being kind only makes you a little more respectable.

Teach your friend, family, lover, spouse, or even a stranger to be kind. It doesn't take or need a lot. It doesn't necessarily requires cash or wealth or beauty or talent to be kind. It's the little things in life that you can do to help a person or a cat or a dog or any living things to be kind.

A smile is a gesture of kindness. A helping hand is a form of kindness. A simple hello or a wish or a greeting is kindness. It really is isn't "too much to ask".

Make a goal or a checklist.

  • Greet a person hello. 
  • Wish a person a good day.
  • Help a person to carry their grocery. 
  • Help your friend in Maths class.
  • Share your lunch with that friend who struggles to earn a penny even for a day.
  • Have a long meaningful conversation with a person. 
  • Help an elderly or a blind person cross the road.
  • Give a homeless man a shirt and/or some food
  • Rescue a cat or a dog
  • Tell a stranger he/she looks beautiful

There are so many things in life that can come to you as a pure joy and excitement rather than bullying a person or burying your nose in your smartphone or your laptop.

Go out and meet people. Go out and help the community. Go out and do something. Just do something. Just. Do. It. 

Because if ever you're stuck whether to be kind or to not be kind, choose the former. The best revenge is always kindness. Or at least to me it is. 

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